CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Jurassic Throwdown WOD #1
With a partner
10 TTB
10 Front squats
10 Shoulder to overhead
RX: 135/95
Masters: 115/75
Scaled: 95/65
-one person working at a time, split however teams would like
Metcon (Time)
Jurassic Throwdown WOD #3
With a partner
100 DU buy in
100 WB
80 Pull ups
60 Burpees
40 KBS
20 Goblet squats
100 DU buy out
RX: 70/53, 20/14
Masters: 53/35, 14/10
Scaled: 53/35, 14/10
-one person working at a time, split however teams would like