CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD
Min: 0-10
2min Jump rope
2 Rounds:
10 SA KB thrusters (Light, 5per side)
10 SA KB swings (Light, 5per side)
10 Scap Pull-ups
10 Kip Swings
Learning to Move
Min: 11-19
Coaches will use this time to demonstrate new movements and go over technique.
Bulgarian Split Squat/Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat:
* Back Foot on bench/box for stability
* Back knee does not have to touch the floor, focus on R.O.M. on the front leg
* This is about TECHNIQUE, not weight. You will see this again and weighted
Barbell Row:
*Do not “Kip” the barbell
Barbell Push-Up:
*Core tight, bar under sternum, elbows back and close to body.
Min: 20-30
10 Minute EMOM:
Odd Minute: Bulgarian Squats
Even Minute: Row+Push Ups
Bulgarian Split Squats
12-20 Bulgarian Split Squats (6-10 per leg)
*Slowly add weight using KBs or DBs if desired. Focus on technique and form.
Barbell Row + Barbell Push Ups
10 Barbell Rows + 10 Barbell Push Ups
* Rows should be slow and steady. Go LIGHTER if you have to kip the row.*
Min: 35-50
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
6 SA KB Thrusters (3R/3L)
8 SA Russian KBS(4R/4L)
10 Knees to Elbow
Yes knees to elbow. That movement looks very similar to what is needed for an efficient rope climb
Cool Down
First Rib Smash:
Couch Stretch