CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD
Extra Credit
Accumulate 80 Pistols (Single leg squats). I would like everyone to do this with one leg. Use a stable surface (table, chair, stool, etc.) if needed and go as low as you can or as low as you are comfortable with going.
*Athletes that have their pistol, add some weight. Grab something light around the house and work your way up*
Rest 2 Minutes between Metcons
Corona 7 Minutes Later (AMRAP – Reps)
7 Minute Amrap:
7 Leg Raises
7 Deadlift High Pull
7 Lateral Pogo Burpees
Rest 2 Minutes Then:
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Corona Gracious
12 Minute AMRAP:
30 DB/KB Clean and Jerks Right Arm
30 DB/KB Clean and Jerks Left Arm
Max Air Squats with remaining time
Air Squats: Chest stays upright during the entire movement. Hips go below parallel at the bottom. Hips and knees fully extended at the top.
Push Up Program
20 -Rest 60
5 – Rest 60
5 – Rest 60
5 – Rest 60