CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
With a partner:
4:00 max wallballs 20/14#
2:00 calorie row
-4:00 break-
4:00 max KBS 53/35#
2:00 calorie row
-4:00 break-
4:00 max box jumps 24/20″
2:00 calorie row
-4:00 break-
4:00 max KB snatch 53/35#
2:00 calorie row
For each movement one person is working at a time, accumulating reps during the 4:00 and then moving directly into 2:00 of max calorie row-partners can switch during the movement or row at any point
**score is total reps PLUS calories