CrossFit Carnivore Uncategorized January 26th, 2022

January 26th, 2022

CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD

View Public Whiteboard


Minute: 0-8

Athlete’s Choice


Minute: 10-28

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

Metcon (Time)



*20 Unbroken Doubles + 100m Run after each round*

Open Gym

Cycle Accessory (Optional)

GHD Extensions (2 sets of 10 reps)

G.H.D. = Glute Hamstring Developer

GHD Extensions, not situps.

-Lower yourself with control as far as you can with a NEUTRAL spine

– Come up Slowly

-No weight needed.

Bent Over Row (2 sets of 10 reps)

Can be done standing, or lying on a flat or inclined bench

-double dumbbell

-Pinch shoulder blades together a pause at the top

Broad Jumps (7 sets of 3 Reps)

-Athletic stance (should mimic your clean or snatch stance

– Dip, Explode with your hips, jump as far as you can

– For extra work, land and go directly into a vertical jump

Not to be done as fast as possible. Take a few seconds between each rep

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