January 9, 2020

CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD

View Public Whiteboard

Open Gym

Open gym will consist of a warm-up and a workout that will usually have a 20-25min cap.

Athletes, we encourage you to use the remainder of the class for skill/weightlifting/mobility work.

Please ask your coach questions. Let us help you improve your technique !


Min: 0-10

2 Minutes Jump Rope

Tabata x3 w/ Plate

Air Squats


Russian Twists


Min: 11-31

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


30 DU

5 Bar MU or 3 Ring MU

10 Pistols

5 Wall Walks
Wall walk and scaling options


*When walking away from wall, don’t walk halfway then let your feet crash to the ground. Stay tight and walk hands out and feet down all the way*

Scaling option for those close to RMU


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