March 24, 2020

CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD

View Public Whiteboard


Minute: 0- 8

1 Minute Jumping Jacks

Go over and warm up EMOM Movements


Metcon (No Measure)

DB EMOM x 20 (5 Rounds)


First: 3/arm Complex (Bent over row +Snatch High Pull + Muscle Snatch)

Second: 6-8/arm Cross Body RDL

Third: 6-8/arm Half Kneeling Arnold Press

Fourth: 6-8/leg SA DB Rack Reverse lunge
Complex: Don’t Kip Row. Triple Extend on the high pull. MUSCLE SNATCH = NO DIP

Cross Body RDL:

*Slight bend in knees

Half Kneeling Arnold Press:

* Palm faces body in rack position, rotate as you extend

**Left knee on the ground, left arm doing work

SA DB Rack Reverse Lunge:

*Right arm rack, right leg goes back


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds For Time:

20/17 Cal Row

20 DB Thrusters (Holding the weight horizontally and using both hands)

*Weight is athletes choice (Intent is to be closer to a heavy wall ball weight, not actual thruster weight)

Home Work

1 Minute Jumping Jacks

1 Minute Butt Kicks

1 Minute High Knee

20 Arm Circles Forward and Back

20 Single Object Thruster


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds For Time:

Run 45s Out, turn and come back @ 80%-90% intensity

20 Object Thrusters > Object Squats > Air Squats
Objects ideas: Bag of dog food, Backpack/Carry On Bag with items, case of drinks

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