March 27, 2020

CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD

View Public Whiteboard


1 minute jumping jacks

1 minute pvc pass/around the world

10 shoulder rolls forward and back

10 arm circles forward and back

10 dive bomber push ups


Every 1:30 x 10

Clean Complex

Db or KB Clean Complex


3 single arm deadlift (all on one side)

2 single arm hang clean

1 single arm shoulder to overhead.

Complete one complex on each arm every minute
on the deadlift, have the weight as close to your foot as possible before lifting.


Metcon (Time)

Partition any way you like for time:

100 Ground to Overhead

200 Tricep Extensions

300 Russian Twists

600 Suitcase Carry
Most strides are 1.5 to 3 ft

Russian twists can be weightless (or grab an object from around the house

Tricep extensions with DB can be single hand or both depending on weight. Two hands on the Kb is recommended.

Ground to overhead: kb american swings

Db alternating single arm snatch

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