March 3, 2020

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CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD

View Public Whiteboard

Coach’s Comments

I hope everyone has enjoyed the past 2 months of programming as much as I have enjoyed putting it together. Since starting the programming, I’ve spent more time in the gym and have noticed something I would like to address. After you finish your workout, please do not put up your weight and equipment right away. It’s not safe and its disrespectful to be bobbing and weaving around people as they are trying to focus and put in the work to complete the workout. Once the head coach signals everyone is done, then let’s work together and put weights up together. If you have somewhere to be, then I completely understand leaving early. But if you plan to stay the full hour, leave your weights when you finish your workout and help push a fellow athlete through theirs.


Minute: 0-10

1 Minute Jumping Jacks

Tabata x 3

Kettlebell Halos (Hold the KB by the horns in a bottoms up position)


Jumping Lunges

Learning to Move

Minute: 10 – 15

Wall Balls : The correct distance/way to stand, how to catch, how to throw.

* I’ve seen more people go full depth with a barbell in front rack or overhead position then I have during a wall ball. This should not be the case. Wall Balls are lighter and easier to stabilize while holding. Everyone should be hitting full depth unless there are R.O.M issues. If R.O.M. issues, let use know so we can work on it ! *


Minute: 16-31

Accessory work for QUALITY, break up any way you please

15 Minutes to Complete the following

Reverse Lunge Wall Balls

100 Reps

Focus on:

-The Catch

-Slowly bringing your knee back

-Keeping your torso VERTICAL during the ENTIRE movement.

Turkish Get Up (20 Reps (10 per arm))

KB or DB (KB is a little more difficult)

Try to go heavy. Turkish get ups work on core, shoulder stability, and balance. Perform for QUALITY, NOT TIME.


Minute: 32 – 55

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 Minute AMRAP x 4

8 DB Hang Power Snatch

8 Burpees over DB

Rest 2 minutes after each 4 Minutes

Rx: 50/35


First Rib

Lat Smash/Roll

Quad Smash/Roll

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