March 30th, 2021

CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD

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Minute: 0-8

1 Minute Air Squats

5 Minutes of Burpee Technique

Long video, take away: Crouch down, shoot feet back together, get your chest to the floor the easiest way possible (don’t lower slowly, don’t do a full pushup), push up slightly while hinging at the hip and shoot feet forward ( feet should return in roughly the same position), you should land flat footed and in a power position (not a squat).


Minute: 12 – 24

Every 4:00 x 3

Plenty of time, don’t rush

Standing Filly Press


While Standing: Hold Left KB in front rack, do all 10 reps with right arm. Then hold Right KB in front rack, do all 10 reps with left arm.

Hanging Flutter Kicks (20 Reps)

Turkish Sit-Up (8-10 per side)


Minute: 30 – 50

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

17 AMRAP w/ a partner

250m Row

8 Synchro Burpees

Format: Partner A Rows, then rest while Partner B Rows.

Synchro Burpees

Partner B Rows, then rest while partner A rows

Continue Pattern

Scoring: A round = A row for A and B (0 reps), then 8 burpees. (8 reps, not 16)

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