CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD
Minute: 0-10
3 Minute Bike/Row at light pace
10 Burpees
Minute: 11-22
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Tabata x 5 w/ 1 Minute Rest after each
Cal Bike
1 Minute Rest
Burpees to Target
1 Minute Rest
Cal Row
1 Minute Rest
*They are all sprints*
*Pull up bars for targets*
You will perform 5 consecutive tabatas with one movement. Then have 1 minute to rest/change stations
Cal Bike: 20/10, 20/10, 20/10, 20/10, 20/10.
1 Minute Rest
Burpee To Target: 20/10, 20/10, 20/10, 20/10, 20/10
1 Minute Rest
Cal Row: 20/10, 20/10, 20/10, 20/10, 20/10
Open Gym