CrossFit Carnivore – Class WOD
Minute: 0-10
Crab Walk Rig Forward/Back
Elbow to floor, pigeon
2 min stretch of choice
Tabata x 3
BB Front Squat
BB Strict Press
Minute: 17- 28
Every 1:30 x 7
Hang Clean (Every 1:30 As follows:)
You have one lift every 1:30. The weight is your choice. Goal is to establish a max single. If you fail 3 lifts, you should stop increasing weight.
*The weight will be used for future percentage work*
Minute: 30-50
Time Cap: 20 Minutes
Metcon (Time)
A: 7-6-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-6-7
B: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Hang Clean
Front Squat
RX: 95/65
*Choose your rep scheme. The rep total is the exact same*
*Put A or B in the comments*